We’ve all been hearing time and again about climate change and its adverse effects, and quite frankly, it’s quite a grim picture. Evidence suggests that global temperatures are continuously rising to a level that’s not suitable for humans, animals, as well as certain plants to survive in. And the trigger behind this is environment-harming human activities.

These days there’s a lot of buzz around sustainable lifestyles. Social media and the Internet are flooded with information to help people change their current way of living so that the planet can be saved for forthcoming generations. But the real question is – what can we do, especially when everything seems to negatively impact the climate?
If you too struggle with this question often, here are some easy to adopt habits that will help you live more eco-consciously.
Buy fewer single-use plastics
Single-use plastics are those that are used once and then thrown away. But where is it thrown? The sad reality is that the majority of it ends up in landfills or the environment. The most commonly used single-use plastics include plastic bags, plastic dinnerware, plastic water bottles, plastic containers, and all other plastic-packaged things that you don’t reuse.
Read – 20 reusable products that can help you cut back on plastic at home

To overcome the issue of single-use plastics, make a conscious effort at your end to go “zero” waste.
Glass is a much more environmentally friendly substance; therefore, try buying items packaged in glass. Use glass dinnerware and containers, and carry a reusable water bottle everywhere you go to not have to buy a plastic one every time.
Start composting
Composting is an easy way to lower your carbon footprint and make the soil nutrient-rich. Create a setup for it at your home and start composting food, scrap, and yard waste like paper, leaves, sawdust, etc. In this way, you’ll keep these items away from landfills where they contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Also, you may check out if your city offers any community composting program.
Read – How to do composting properly?
Give used items a chance
The two most effective things you can do to conserve the environment are reduced and reuse. The production of new items takes more energy, materials, and resources. So why not use something that’s already produced?
Agreed, fashion changes tempt us to buy new and trendy merchandise but consider how much you can help the environment by buying gently used clothes from resale sources. On the flip side, you can further contribute by reselling your old clothes instead of throwing them in the trash where they may end up in a landfill.

To sum it up
Though there can be many other ways to contribute, the above-listed habits are a good place to start. It’s high time each of us took a worthwhile step in the right direction. Try not to forget your bag of life or a reusable cup, turn your good intentions into good habits, and live a minimal lifestyle.