So you’ve decided to pursue a nursing career? Do you know what it’s like? Nurses are the strong arm of the healthcare sector everywhere in the world and without them, the healthcare system would just collapse.
Unfortunately, however, nurses are quite underappreciated and underpaid especially during pandemic times. It is a time-consuming and physically demanding job but, it is also rewarding at the same time.
Health Care Society’s Heroes
Nurses are the support to the doctors and they also lend a shoulder to cry on for the patient’s families. A rather common misconception is that nurses only have to care for patients when in reality, they are more in contact with the patient than the doctors.
They collect and maintain data regarding patients’ conditions and monitor their health. Doctors are only called when the situation gets intense.
Here is some essential advice from experts in the field that you need to know if you want to advance in your nursing career.
1. Explore Your Options
RN and founder of The Nerdy Nurse, Brittney Wilson talks about the numerous opportunities that come with being a nurse.
Generally, one would assume that nurses only work at the hospital but, Wilson mentions that they can work privately as well. If you create your own brand and business, they can even work remotely.
2. Always Seek Knowledge
To be knowledgeable is very important, especially in the field of healthcare and Jenna Liphart Rhoads thinks so too. Having completed a Ph.D. and been an advisor at NurseTogether, Rhoads definitely knows a thing or two about the nursing career. She advises the nurses to never be afraid to ask a question, not to hesitate to get a clear answer and ask questions until you are crystal clear. This will benefit you in two ways:
- it will help you avoid mistakes when it comes to patient care, and
- it will add to your knowledge
3. Network It Out
Nicholas McGowan is a registered nurse at the Critical Care Academy and he talks about networking and how important it is to network, especially in the healthcare sector. You may never know, the people you are networking with today might become the door to a great opportunity tomorrow.