All parents only want the best for their kids. This includes getting them a good education to ensure their future.
But former Full House actress Lori Loughlin may have done the opposite on her quest to get her two daughters into one of the best colleges in America.
Now, she’s at the center of a college bribery scheme where she’s accused of devising a plan to illegally get them accepted into the school.
Crew Team ‘Recruits’

Loughlin and her husband fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli reportedly wanted both of their daughters to study at the prestigious University of Southern California (USC). According to sources, Giannulli attended USC but eventually dropped out when his clothing line, Mossimo, took off.
But there was a big problem–USC is one of the most exclusive colleges in the country with an acceptance rate of just 17.7%.
Thus, the 54-year-old actress devised an elaborate plan to pass off her daughters, Isabella, and Olivia Jade, as crew team recruits despite them not playing the sport at all. As a criminal complaint against the couple reveals, they made their daughters pose on rowing machines and lied about them being coxswains to justify their small physique.
In total, Loughlin and Giannulli paid around $500,000. The plan was set off after Giannulli received an email confirming that his eldest, Isabella, wouldn’t be able to get into the school on her academics alone.
‘Fake’ Pictures

The entire plan to bribe their daughters’ way into the university was recorded from email exchanges between the couple and the involved officials.
Months after Isabella’s ‘rowing pictures’ were sent to Donna Heinel, an athletic director at USC, she received her acceptance letter into the school. The plan was set in motion again when the Giannullis confirmed that they would need help getting their younger daughter Olivia Jade into the school as well.
Like her older sister, Olivia Jade’s fake rowing photos also facilitated her admission as a crew recruit. Isabella was on her sophomore year while Olivia Jade was on her freshman year at the school when their mother’s deeds were discovered. The two have since dropped out of school in fear of bullying from other students.
Getting Caught

When the news broke out, the actress was immediately arrested and was faced with felony charges concerning her scheme. She is currently out after paying a $1 million bond.
According to sources, Loughlin is represented by Perry Viscount and has not yet entered a plea as of latest. Her bribery scheme was found out when a federal court record listing 50 people who partook in a nationwide college scheme was unsealed last month.
Another Hollywood actress, Felicity Huffman, was also named and charged in connection to the scheme. Huffman reportedly paid $15,000 to have her daughter’s SAT scores improved to better her chances of being admitted to colleges.