Are you aware of Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages? Published close to three decades ago, this easy read mentions the fundamentals of a successful relationship by understanding your partner’s love language. These key values enjoy significance to date. According to Chapman, the five love languages are time, touch, gifts, service, and affirmations.
But, who’s to say love languages only exist in romantic setups? Surely, any kind of relationship could have its own set of love languages, whether personal or professional. Allen C. Buchanan, a commercial real estate broker, was seriously on to something when this thought struck him.

So, from Allan’s brilliant mind, here are the love languages – or drivers – of commercial real estate.
#1 – Money
You don’t want to be doing business with a broker whose love language is money right off the bat. It’s red flags all the way with this one, honey. And trust us, the smell of greed from them will reek for miles.
They’re looking for the shortest and quickest way to get their commission or paycheck – and that’s it. Forget about getting what’s best for you as a client. All they’ll do is make sure they get the maximum amount from the deal.
#2 – Deals
This broker is downright deal addict i.e., the size doesn’t matter as long they just keep coming. They just enjoy watching the transaction and making two parties agree on mutual terms. Best of all, thanks to his chest of transaction experiences, he can get very creative to get you what you need.

#3 – Relationships
Now, this broker is all about making sure that his clients are happy and satisfied. We’re talking lunches, cocktails, gifts at birthdays, gifts at Christmas – it’s all about keeping the client well-watered and well-fed. There isn’t a chance for you to work with this person and not end up becoming a friend.
#4 – Drama
Broker #4 is all about the drama – blowing situations out of proportion is more of a hobby with this fellow. Around them, F-bombs, screaming, and yelling are constants. And nearly everything turns into a federal case. Looking for a smooth transaction? Well, you’re not getting it with this one. Better save yourself the hassle and move on to the next.
#5 – Networking
This broker is literally EVERYWHERE – RBN, BNI, Provisors, Chambers of Commerce, CCIM, SIOR – you think it, and they’re there. It’s honestly a wonder how or when they manage to close transactions with all the business card swapping going on. You’ll never hear a better pitch than from this broker and every delivery will sound as passionate as the first-ever one.

Interesting, isn’t it? If you can gauge a broker’s love language at the first meeting, wouldn’t your life be that much easier?