Securing your finances so they may last well into your retirement surely seems to rely heavily on whether you make a seven digit paycheck, but that is not entirely true.
Many celebrities who used to earn millions and have apparently lived a wealthy lifestyle are actually facing critical financial difficulties now in their close-to-retirement years due to poor financial management.
Famous celebrities like Nicholas Cage, Johnny Depp, 50 Cent, and many others have faced financial troubles at different points in their life as well, and the reason is their lavish lifestyles that has ultimately lead them to accumulate a heavy debt.
Of course, celebrities have all the right to spend in whatever way they want their money to be spent. However, a little planning and budgeting can save them from facing critical financial troubles in the long term.
For example, Tori Spelling was compelled to appear in court because she failed to pay off a balance of around $35,000. Another extreme example of a celebrity facing financial difficulties could be of actor Corey Haim, who was quite famous during the 80s, as, after facing bankruptcy threats, he tried to sell his tooth on eBay for $150, but no buyers were attracted to the deal.
There is no doubt that celebrities can definitely avoid such situations if they plan their finances and keep checking their spending habits. It really does not matter how much amount you are earning as, in order to avoid financial difficulties, you need to be vigilant and develop effective budgets.
Fear not though, as the following budgeting techniques will definitely help you in managing your finances in a much better manner.
You Need to Have a Plan
It is a fact that facing financial difficulties is the leading cause of stress in America right now. To plan effectively, you first need to figure out your spending habits as well as your savings goal, because if you will spend without developing any plan beforehand, you will end up spending all of it in no time.
For example, Vince Young, an NFL Star, once spend $300,000 on one of his birthdays. He ended up claiming bankruptcy soon after the event. Another example is that of Mike Tyson, who also faced financial difficulties and was forced to take on more debt because he spent way too much in purchasing a few exotic Bengali tigers and more than 100 luxurious cars.
Treating yourself to luxury is totally fine, but that does not mean that you spend more than what you can sustainably afford. You can easily develop a budget for your luxury spending and allocate a chunk of your earnings to it.
However, you also need to plan for your other expenses in order to figure out an amount you can allocate on luxury spending. Hence, it is better to identify your expenses first and then allocate amount to each expense, all the while making sure that you stay within your limits.
Many budgeting apps are also available to help you in developing effective budgets. Your savings targets would naturally transpire once your expenses targets are finalized.
Do Not Spend Everywhere With Credit Cards
Credit cards have become the payment method of choice these days. Data shows that, on average, every American owns and uses three credit cards for making payments.
Credit cards are surely a convenient method of making payments but obviously they contribute to your short-term debt, and if you are spending exclusively through your credit cards, then your debt can easily inflate without you even realizing it.
Hence, to control your expenses, you need to pay for a few of your expenses in cash to reduce your credit card bill. You also need to question yourself before buying anything whether you actually need it as that would help you avoid impulsively spending on luxury items. Whatever you cannot afford considering your monthly budget should be forgone.
Take An Experts Advice
If you really want to keep your spending under control, then you can follow the spending models established by the likes of Oprah or Huge Jackman. These celebrities spend on life coaches who guide them on their spending habits and keep them from spending wastefully.
Sticking to your budgeted goals can obviously be a monumental task, and that is true even for celebrities. A coaching program personalized to your needs and requirements can actually help you stay focused and accountable.
These life coaches take your life goals into consideration and help you in formulating an implementable budget.