A court sitting at Oklahoma has slammed a child abuser to a 24 months jail term for allegedly tying the knots with her own blood daughter. She was also charged with incest crime.
The 45-year-old woman named Patricia Ann Spann confessed to the crime and accepted the fact that she was guilty of the accusations. Pat got married to Misty Velvet Spann, the 26-year-old accomplice, and her blood child. The judge presiding over the case found her worthy of the sentence which will last for two years behind bars.
Also, she would also face eight years trial to fully compensate for her crime as well as a fine of $1,550. Then she would be enlisted as a registered intimacy criminal when she completes her prison period in 24 months’ time.

The disdainful incestuous act began early two years ago in 2016 precisely. Mother and daughter walked down the aisle as newlyweds, with about three guests who went there to give their support. Prior to this time, the mum had been defeated in keeping Misty under her custody; fortunately, in 2014, they found a way to reconcile and the illicit love affair began.
While narrating everything to detectives in a litigation file that contains the details of the case, Pat said that she and her girl became instant buddies afterward, making up for lost times.
However, their secret marriage came to the notice of security agents in 2016 August, when a petition regarding child mishandling was reported to the police.
A year later in October, the matrimony was disbanded by a judge, with a pronouncement that the woman, Pat, had forced her child into the union by means of deceit.
The two Spanns were apprehended and accused of breaking the laws that are against blood intimate relationship. The daughter was ordered to begin a 10-year trial probationary sentence, and that was towards the end of 2017.
However, things took a different turn when the plea was soon removed on the basis that the offender had already received an adjourned court ruling, although such act is prohibited under the stipulated state constitution. Misty will, however, have to start plea afresh in the new week.
More dirty secrets were unraveled when the heartbreaking matter continued in 2017. The welfare officials in charge of the case disclosed that the mother had also once gotten into a marriage bond with her second child who is a boy, but the boy soon got out from the bondage when he reported his mum of practicing incest with him, and that led to the end of the union.
In a defensive account by the chief offender, the authorities were told by Patricia that there was never any form of an intimate affair with the aggrieved boy. She also said that she embarked on the marriage contract so as to forestall a plan to enlist him for a military career. As for why she married Misty, she said it was in a bid to have the right of adoption because she desired to have an adopted offspring.
The affidavit stated that Patricia had initially denied having any knowledge of contravening the law of the state. While talking to the authorities, she said that she already examined the matter of getting hitched with her blood relation, and didn’t see how she’d broken the tenets of the country.
According to her, Misty’s name has been erased from her certificate of birth, which should give her mother the privilege and freedom to go down the aisle under the legal ruling.
The legal tenet of the Oklahoma state states that a marriage between two blood relations is a grievous crime of incest, regardless of how intimately engaged they are within the union or even if they do not have any intimacy.
In September 2017, another son to Patricia, who goes by the name Cody Spann, had once opened up some blood-gurgling things about his mum. He referred to her as a predator who coerced Misty and his other brother to enter into the vows of marriage with her, with a threat that she would sniff life out of them should they refused to do her bizarre bidding.
25-year-old Cody expressed his worry that his mum might be mentally unstable. Due to the way she’s been acting, Cody admitted that she needs help urgently. He just couldn’t figure out the real reasons that could make her desire to have her biological children under her claws by all means.
As at the moment, the lawyer representing Patricia is yet to say anything to the authorities.